DIY Mosaic Clock Project
It's always fun to find a base that is already functioning but needs your special touch to personalize it so it becomes exceptional! Nowadays, clocks such as this one are so easy to find and so very affordable! This clock cost under $10 and is easily disassembled to...
DIY Mosaic Garden Ball Set Project
This is one of my favorite projects because it's so incredibly inexpensive to make and the design possibilities are completely endless! Now...I know this is a mosaic garden ball set project but keep your mind open to how these dazzling balls can be displayed in so...
DIY Mosaic Dragonfly Portrait
Your $5 picture frame doesn't have to simply display your favorite photos. It can in fact act as a framed glass canvas for your own personal stained glass mosaic portrait. Using any image you'd like as your template behind the glass, you can create a stunning...